Leadership Rising Program

What is Leadership Rising?


Leadership Rising focuses on helping students prepare for a future of necessary social change, facing obstacles, and rising to challenges where leadership can make a difference. We believe this can be accomplished through:


Practice - develop leadership skills by getting involved on campus and in the local community


Education - in and out of the classroom, your involvement will complement your education and empower you to lead. Learn even more through retreats, workshops, and conferences

Application - use your leadership skills to make a positive impact at Eureka and beyond

The Leadership Rising Program provides a multitude of opportunities for students to grow and learn as leaders through the following:


  • Fall Leadership Kick-Off - a yearly program for leaders and representatives from clubs, organizations, and athletic teams.


  • Workshops - offered each semester for groups that share an interest in practicing teamwork and leadership (athletics, clubs & organizations, fine & performing arts, etc.).


  • All-Campus Leadership Conference - offered early in the spring semester to all students.
    This opportunity includes a mentoring relationship, where new students (fall or spring start) are matched with upper-class students. Information about the Leadership Mentor/Mentee Program is available HERE.
  • Mentoring and Networking Opportunities- in collaboration with Career Development, we encourage and create opportunities with alumni and friends of the College, including the leadership session of the Spring Career Launch.


  • Student Leadership Council - composed of representatives from student groups, this council meets twice per semester to give feedback and provide input on programming. Meeting dates and sign-Up information may be accessed HERE.


  • Leadership Awards Program - in collaboration with CAB, this program recognizes the achievements of organizations and their members at the end of the academic year.